Saturday, October 8, 2011

Weekend FUN!!

Thursday was a great day for me. Didn't eat as well as I should have, but once again I had zero appetite which is AWESOME ha. I had a great work out... 3 miles baby!!! LOL.. All glory to God of course :).. Friday had a great time with my family... Made Spaghetti and had salad with it yummy, yummy!!! Didn't overeat, just ate till I was satisfied. My ankle was acting up, and I was EXTREMELY sore, therefore a break from working out was in order.

I love how my mind set has been completely changed by doing all of this.. Blogging was a God send... - Jason and I went to Riverfest today and EASILY could have ate bad calorie packed food.. INSTEAD we ate one rat on a stick ( considered healthy compared to food down there). We were downtown for a good 4 hours walked up and down the streets in effort to find unique stuff.. We had a great time, got a good workout in and made wise decisions. This is proof that lifestyle changes can be just that.. Life Changes...

ahhh... I am so looking forward to church tomorrow. INCLUDING an early morning workout... I am shooting for 3 miles again :) To God be the glory!!!


1- 100 calorie pack

nothing :( didn't have enough time to.... bad decision.

tuna on wheat with onions and lettuce -360

After work-out treat
protein shake with banana in it. - 350


apple sauce - 90 cals

BBQ chicken with broccoli - 450 cals

Family NIGHT!!!!! 
Spaghetti and Salad
( ate sensibly but happily :)


chicken on a stick
1/2 sub on wheat bread

Chicken wrap and sweat potato

Thursday -3 miles
Friday- took break
Saturday- LOTS of walking during Riverfest

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Tuesday and Wednesday were crazy days. I had a very busy schedule and therefore had to fit a lot into them.. Managing time was very important especially since I HAD to work out... I hadn't pushed myself nearly as hard as I wanted to on Tuesday... (exercise wise..) Wednesday ( tonight) was a totally different story. Two miles around the Leland park, PLUS two 30 min workouts!!!!! YAY!!! Thank you God for the strength and will power.... It got SO dark outside, but God gave me peace and kept me safe... This morning was another example of His grace and protection. I was rear ended!! No damage done, no ticket... just God's Mercy and for that I am truly thankful... His unfailing love is SO amazing..  i am sooooo looking forward to Thursday! I know God is going to be with me all day long, helping me make the right decisions and giving me energy like a child! Ya-hoo!! Now its time to get in the word and have a little Chit chat with my Father!!!

Let the weak say, I am strong.(Joel 3:10)


mixed berry muffin =325 cals

Sushi = 425

burger= FAIL ( thank you God for your Mercy...)

WAAAAAAAAY OVER GOAL!!!! grrr.. haha...

Exercise - Hip Hop Abs



Banana -90 cals

tuna on wheat with lettuce and onion -300cals

protein shake with tbs of peanut butter and cup of milk.= 350 cals

Grand total of 740 calories... way under my goal... but I had zero appetite.

exercise - Two - 30 min Hip hop Abs video = 1 hr.
walk/ jog 2 miles.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Early Bird Gets the worm!!!!

Sooooooooo I’d like to say Monday was a great day, I woke up with this amazing amount of energy, and I ran 10 miles…. Ha! However this is not what happened…  I woke up tired!? (Believe me.. zero motivation). I had to be to work early since it is Monday.  A 5am run was not on my list of fun things to do… in fact my bed felt great… alarm went off, I looked out the window, saw it was dark out and clicked snooze…. WHY DO I DO THIS!!!!!!!!!???? Woke up a little later made breakfast… Got ready for work and I was gone….  I mean honestly who wants to get out of a warm bed at 5 a.m. when it is cold and dark outside… Probably someone who HAS to lose 40lbs by December 1st… Somebody like me… I should not only want to, but should
be excited about getting myself healthier and fit!!!!. This is called a sacrifice- giving up something that is hard for me to give up (SLEEP), and in the end reaping the benefits…  I think of the scripture God gave me and it keeps me going :

Psalm 119 : 3, 5 ( The Message Bible)

You’re blessed when you stay on course, walking steadily on the road revealed by God.
You’re blessed when you follow His directions, doing your best to find Him.
That’s right – you don’t go off on your own; you walk straight along the road He set…
Oh, that my steps might be steady, keeping to the course you set…

ah…. Thank you God for that….  I am blessed when I stay on course.. ( Doesn’t mean obstacles aren’t going pop up… just  when they do, Find God and let him fight the battle for you.. Focus on the word of God not the obstacle.. With that being said I had 1300 calories to work with yesterday…
My meal’s were as follows:

scrambled eggs and turkey bacon
½ banana
1 cup milk

Chicken wrap with Italian dressing
1 cup of applesauce

100 calorie pack
2 figs

1 stuffed green pepper ( substitute ground beef with ground chicken, and rice with veggies)

grand total of 1,265 calories…  I was under my goal which is great… J  For exercise, I did the hip hop abs video ( very good workout).
Tuesday I am kicking it up a notch and doing it the biggest loser way.. ( way more exercise to be done… LORD continue to give me strength!!!!)

~ Tiffani Paige <3

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Biggest loser - Tiffani's Addition

After numerous diets, quick fixes, wishes, and procrastination with a cherry on top, my journey at DIETING is over... Something God has been dealing with me a lot lately. Diet in my dictionary is defined as DIE. With Weight watchers it's count your points, Adkins its a no carber, and the Liquid diet is best known for the many vacations to the glorified porcelain throne... all this for a few months in skinny jeans??? I dare say NO!. The moment you step away from these half hearted life style changes the weight immediately comes back on... and then some. The purpose to this blog is not to slander the weight loss programs out there, or even say they are all wrong. The purpose to this blog is to hold myself accountable in achieving a goal that seems impossible. December 1st is nearly 60 days away and I have pledged to lose 40lbs in 60 days. While working out to hip hop abs and eating healthy balanced meals, I am determined to make God smile as He looks down on me and says " GO Tiffani, it's your birthday, its your birthday, no it isn't...but GO anyway!!!"  Silly way to look at it LOL, but I truly believe I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST WHO STRENGTHENS ME....  167 days till I get Married... lets see how far this dream takes me...

Every day I will note my progress; state what I have ate, the workouts I have done and how I feel after wards... Please pray for me as I set out on a journey towards healthy living.

~ Tiffani Paige